Hi! I'm Missy!

I’m a beautiful grey girl who rules the roost here at the shelter. Whether it be pets on demand, or the coziest spot on the cat bed, I command the room with my enigmatic presence. Some may call me a bit bossy, and they may be right… But I think that a girl like me should live in the lap of luxury!

I’d love to be your part-time lap cat. What does that mean? Well, I love to sssstretccchhhh across your lap for five minutes MAXIMUM. After that? The jig is up, and I like to return to my queenly duties. Rest assured that I will soon return. But being such a busy kitty, I keep my affection time short and sweet. Perhaps one day, when you rise in the ranks as my favorite human, I will give you unlimited lap time. But that shall not be right away! I reserve my rights to receive pets on my own terms.

Quick Facts:

  • Four years old
  • 6 Pounds
  • I’d love to be your part-time lap cat
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